Reasons Teeth Get Stained

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There are many reasons why teeth get stained. Understanding them will help you keep your chompers white and avoid the need for whitening. Please deliberate on the following if you are worried about having whiter chompers:

– Enamel thins with advanced age or with excessive brushing, allowing the darker dentin layer to show through.

– Certain highly pigmented foods such as strawberries, blackberries and blueberries can darken the appearance of your chompers, so make sure you brush your pearly whites after eating such foods.

– Tobacco can alter your teeth to shades of brown and yellow, so consider cutting back if you are a user.

– There are medicines which have been shown to include the side effect of dimming the chompers; tell us about it if you are taking medicines during your visit.

– Drinks such as red wine and coffee contain pigment-altering ingredients which darken pearly whites, so don’t drink excessive amounts of them.

– If you recently suffered a dental injury, the dentin layer of your chompers is perhaps compensating by growing excess dentin.

If you are still concerned about having whiter teeth, our staff at Miller Family Dental in Houston, Texas, can help. Please reach out to us at 281.225.4966 now to schedule an appointment where Dr. Brian Miller can assess your dental health and review your teeth whitening options with you.