Oral Health Care for Halloween: Candies to Avoid

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Happy Halloween! The season of spooks and ghouls has come once again. Make sure all the monsters that lurk in the night stay hidden and don’t end up causing real damage this holiday season. Of course, we are referring to the hidden dangers the can arise through tooth decay, dental erosion, cavities, and oral injuries.

One of the leading causes of tooth decay, cavities, and dental erosion is sugar. When sugar enters your mouth, it can transform into harmful acids that can eat through your tooth enamel. Fortunately, it can be treated with effective oral health routines such as brushing twice daily and flossing once daily as well. Furthermore, limit the amount of sugars you eat this Halloween help protect your teeth against the dangers that sugary sweets and treats can bring.

Don’t be tricked this Halloween season due to excessively hard candies that can easily cause oral injuries. Treats such as popcorn and candy apples can easily damage your teeth if you bite into them too hard. Exercise caution to keep your teeth safe. Furthermore, avoid sticky and chewy sweets such as gummy and caramels which can stick to your teeth and gums and rapidly increase tooth decay.

From all of us at Miller Family Dental, have a safe and Happy Halloween! If you have any additional questions, or to book a future visit with Dr. Brian Miller, please contact us at 281.225.4966, or stop by our office in Houston, Texas.