Although mouthwashes and rinses are not substitutes for brushing, flossing and dental visits, they are a great addition to your regular oral hygiene regimen. If you are thinking about adding mouthwash to your routine, here are some facts about mouthwash to consider:
– Some brands of mouthwash have been proven to be effective in fighting the effects of halitosis, also known as bad breath.
– Never use mouthwash as an alternative to brushing and flossing. However, sometimes mouthwash may work until you get the chance to brush.
– Before using a mouthwash, make sure you understand which benefits you are looking for, and select the appropriate product.
– Speak with your dentist before trying a new mouthwash.
– Use mouthwash products that feature the ADA Seal of Acceptance or have been approved for use by your dentist.
For more mouthwash advice and help from our team at Miller Family Dental, come in for a visit. If you would like an exam from Dr. Brian Miller, please schedule an appointment at our office in Houston, Texas. We can be reached at 281.225.4966. The perfect smile of your dreams is only a visit away!