If you are missing a tooth, you are probably aware that you should replace it as soon as you can. If you postpone doing so, your teeth will be much more difficult to clean, which could make you more likely to have gum disease. The rest of your teeth could also shift if you don’t have a missing tooth replaced, which can actually undo any orthodontic work you’ve had. When you’re ready to replace your teeth, there are many options you’ll want to consider, but please remember to contemplate the benefits of implants.
Virtually every restoration option, including implants, are designed to match the color of your smile. Implants will look natural and blend with your pearly whites. This typically leads to improved confidence since the appearance of your teeth and gums will be improved. Implants are also considered more comfortable than other restoration options, and many consider them more convenient since care for them like you do your natural teeth. Implants can also last for decades and are fairly easy to replace if damaged.
Implants will also restore your ability to chew and speak more comfortably. They can stop your smile from shifting and can even help you prevent wrinkle lines. If you would like to learn more about the benefits of dental implants in Houston, Texas, please feel free to contact Miller Family Dental at 281.225.4966. Our dentist, Dr. Brian Miller, and our team gladly address any concerns you could have and address any of your questions. We’re excited to hear from you.